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Bank of results of projects funded by the IPA Adriatic Programme in the field of Sustianable Tourism
Pub Year:
Addressed Issues:
Capacity building and stakeholder engagement; Climate change; Clustering; Diversification and differentiation of tourism product; Innovation; Resource management; Risk management; Social well being; Tourism Model
Sustainability Dimensions:
Economic; Environmental; Governance; Social
Spatial Reference:
Albania; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Croatia; European International Mediterranean National Regional Macro-regional Local No; Italy; Meditarranean; National; Slovenia
EUSAIR, Sustainable Tourism, capitalisation, project, public-private networks, agrofood, blue growth, environment protection, creativity, equal opportunities, healthcare, ICT, infrastructure, mobility, heritage, renewal energies, SME, transport, risk prevention
Deliverable Match:
Results; Tool
Funding Scheme:
IPA crossborder
Project Title:
AdriaWealth - Clustering and Capitalization project for the Sustainable Tourism in the Adriatic area

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