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- Title:
- On the relationship between quality, users perception and economic valuation in NW Mediterranean beaches
- Authors:
- Eduard, Ariza; Ramon, Ballester; Ricard, Rigall-I-Torrent; Albert, Salo, Elisabet, Roca; Miriam, Villares; Jose A., Jimenez; Rafael, Sarda
- Pub Year:
- 2012
- Addressed Issues:
- Capacity building and stakeholder engagement, Resource management, Social well being
- Sustainability Dimensions:
- Economic, Environmental, Governance, Social
- Spatial Reference:
- Local, Meditarranean, Spain
- Keywords:
- Travel Cost Method, Hedonic Price, economic valuation, beach value, beach management tax
- Deliverable Match:
- Method, Results
- Journal:
- Ocean & Coastal Management
- Vol/No:
- 63
- Pages:
- 55-66
- Link:
- #