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- Title:
- Tourism Sustainability Toolkit
- Authors:
- Harry, Coccossis; Tonia, Koutsopoulou
- Pub Year:
- 2017
- Addressed Issues:
- Carrying capacity; Climate change; ICZM; Monitoring; MSP; Risk management; Seasonality
- Sustainability Dimensions:
- Economic; Environmental; Governance; Social
- Spatial Reference:
- Croatia; France; Greece; Italy; Local; Meditarranean; Spain
- Keywords:
- Sustainability indicators; monitoring; coastal areas;types of tourism; threats; site-specific
- Deliverable Match:
- Method; Tool
- Funding Scheme:
- Interreg transnational
- Programme:
- Interreg transnational MED
- Project Title:
- CO-EVOLVE - Promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems for the development of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism
- Additional Info:
- CO-EVOLVE - Promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems for the development of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism
- Link: