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Search the Med Instructions

This is a short User-Guide for the Search-the-Med tool of BleuTourMed_C3.


The library of the Search the Med tool has been primarly developed in order to assist the projects of the Sustainable Tourism Community of the Interreg-Med 2014-2020 Programme to capitalise on the existing scientific knowledge and experience and develop more effective actions towards the fulfillment of their objectives. In addition, the library could be considered as a multi-source repository of documents regarding the sustainability of tourism and with particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region. The, Search the Med tool innovative character lies on three main factors. The first regards the inclusion of a wide range of documents types, such as scientific papers, project deliverables and reports, in one single library. The second differentiating factor is that that the codification of the selected documents is based on a document driven approach rather than a project based approach. This kind of orientation provides the ability to users to access directly deliverables and reports dealing with tourism related issues without engaging in time demanding research on past projects' deliverables. In addition, the library includes deliverables dealing directly or indirectly with tourism issues that are produced under projects of different orientation. Finally, rather just including an entry by conducting a tag or keywords search the entries the elements selected for inclusion in the library have been firstly reviewed in depth by the members of the development team of BleuTourMed_C3. Although more effort demanding, this approach provides the developers with the ability to include the most useful documents and add any additional keywords towards the better description of all entries.



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