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Για να εξασφαλίσουμε τη σωστή λειτουργία του ιστότοπου, μερικές φορές τοποθετούμε μικρά αρχεία δεδομένων στον υπολογιστή σας, τα λεγόμενα «cookies». Οι περισσότεροι μεγάλοι ιστότοποι κάνουν το ίδιο.
Τι είναι τα cookies;

Τα cookies είναι μικρά αρχεία κειμένου τα οποία ένας ιστότοπος αποθηκεύει στον υπολογιστή σας ή στην κινητή σας συσκευή όταν επισκέπτεστε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, ο ιστότοπος θυμάται τις ενέργειές σας και τις προτιμήσεις σας (όπως κωδικός σύνδεσης, γλώσσα, μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς και άλλες προτιμήσεις απεικόνισης) για ένα χρονικό διάστημα, κι έτσι δεν χρειάζεται να εισάγετε τις προτιμήσεις αυτές κάθε φορά που επισκέπτεστε τον ιστότοπο ή φυλλομετρείτε τις σελίδες του.
Πως χρησιμοποιούμε τα cookies;

Η χρήση των cookies είναι τεχνικά απαραίτητη για την ολοκληρωμένη πραγματοποίηση της σύνδεσής σας στον διαδικτυακό τόπο και γενικά για το ιστορικό των δραστηριοτήτων σας. Με τη χρήση του ιστότοπου, δίνετε τη συγκατάθεσή σας για τη χρήση των cookies.
Προτεινόμενες λύσεις

Θα πρέπει να επισημάνουμε ότι προτείνουμε ανεπιφύλακτα την αποθήκευση των cookies δεδομένου του ότι τα δεδομένα αυτά χρησιμοποιούνται κατά αποκλειστικο λόγο στην βελτίωση της δική σας εμπειρίας καθόλη την διάρκεια της περιήγησης σας στο site μας.

Σε περίπτωση που δεν επιθυμείτε την αποθήκευση cookies στον browser σας, παρακαλούμε ακολουθήστε τις παρακάτω οδηγίες.

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Απενεργοποίηση cookies για τον φυλλομετρητή Internet Explorer

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Privacy Policy


Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to inform the subjects about the data collected to serve them, to inform them about information and services. Through this policy, data subjects can be informed of their rights regarding data access, correction and deletion.
Personal Data: receives from you only those data that are absolutely necessary to serve the relationship between us and are used exclusively and only for the purposes for which they have been collected. Data that you have voluntarily disclosed to us is also collected.
Data Security: has taken all appropriate technical measures to secure your personal data. It provides limited access only to those of its employees / partners it is necessary to have access to the data. It takes all necessary measures to prevent any unauthorized access, use or modification of this data. It complies with applicable legislation and has established procedures for data protection.
Recipients of Data: Recipients of the data can only be authorized employees of the company as well as third parties.
User Rights: The data subject has the rights of Law 2472/1997, as applicable from time to time, and specifically the right of access, correction and deletion. Any relevant request can be submitted either via e-mail at
Use of Data: The use of the data that will be collected is only for the sending of information, about the services mentioned on the website, via email (those registered from their registration in our newsletter) as well as for the collection of Google Analytics statistics. The use or non-use of personal data (e-mail address) is requested in order to be able to respond to your request to update our services.
Data Disclosure: does not disclose the details of users and their transactions unless it has written authorization from the data subject or this is imposed by a court decision, prosecutor's order or decision / provision of another public authority.
COOKIES: may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files that are stored on each user's terminal, without receiving any information or gaining knowledge of the user's personal files or documents. Cookies are used exclusively to facilitate the user's access to specific products and/or services and for statistical reasons in order to determine the areas in which its products and/or services are popular or for marketing purposes. gives users the right to declare their opposition to the use of cookie mechanisms, in such a case the user will not be able to have further access to such services. In case you want to consent or withdraw your consent, you can send an email to

  • Hits: 1688

About Us

Let's enjoy the Mediterranean responsibly!
We live in such a beautiful region, the Mediterranean, that plenty of tourists are coming to spend some good time in our coastal and maritime regions. Mass tourism has, however, a deep impact on our landscapes, societies and economies both positive and negative.

"Our challenge is to make everybody enjoy the Mediterranean responsibly and respectfully of the environment and local populations."

Tourism sector is amongst the highest income generators in the Mediterranean. Leisure related activities make tourism a leading economic sector in terms of gross value added and employment. Tourism contributes directly to regional economies with sectoral synergies and strong multiplying effects.

Despite its economic and social importance, tourism development is exerting undue pressures on natural and built environment. These pressures may threaten the quality of life of local populations, degrade the tourism assets and, by consequence, affect negatively future tourism developments. Exploiting the full potential of tourism requires an innovative approach and sustainable basis. Therefore, effective strategies and targeted integrated actions should be developed and implemented across the Mediterranean region.

With this common objective, 22 Modular Projects (MPs) and 2 Strategic Projects are implemented under the Interreg Med Sustainable Tourism Community. They respond to the Interreg MED Programme’s priority axis 3 “Natural & Cultural resources – Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources” and to the specific objective 3.1 “To enhance sustainable the development policies for more efficient valorisation of natural resources and cultural heritage in coastal and adjacent maritime areas of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED Area”.

"Our aim is to study, test and capitalise innovative instruments and actions towards the enhancement of tourism sustainability in the Mediterranean."

A community featured by BleuTourMed_C3
The MED Sustainable Tourism Community is featured by Ssutainable Tourism Project a three-year Horizontal Project financed by the ERDF within the Interreg MED Programme which suceeded the BleuTourMed_C3 Project. The target of the project is to facilitate the knowledge sharing, the transferring and the capitalisation of the results of the 22 projects of the Community.

For more information please visit the official site: Sustainable Tourism

  • Hits: 4146

Search the Med Instructions

This is a short User-Guide for the Search-the-Med tool of BleuTourMed_C3.


The library of the Search the Med tool has been primarly developed in order to assist the projects of the Sustainable Tourism Community of the Interreg-Med 2014-2020 Programme to capitalise on the existing scientific knowledge and experience and develop more effective actions towards the fulfillment of their objectives. In addition, the library could be considered as a multi-source repository of documents regarding the sustainability of tourism and with particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region. The, Search the Med tool innovative character lies on three main factors. The first regards the inclusion of a wide range of documents types, such as scientific papers, project deliverables and reports, in one single library. The second differentiating factor is that that the codification of the selected documents is based on a document driven approach rather than a project based approach. This kind of orientation provides the ability to users to access directly deliverables and reports dealing with tourism related issues without engaging in time demanding research on past projects' deliverables. In addition, the library includes deliverables dealing directly or indirectly with tourism issues that are produced under projects of different orientation. Finally, rather just including an entry by conducting a tag or keywords search the entries the elements selected for inclusion in the library have been firstly reviewed in depth by the members of the development team of BleuTourMed_C3. Although more effort demanding, this approach provides the developers with the ability to include the most useful documents and add any additional keywords towards the better description of all entries.



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